Mashhad Screaming Forest: A Hidden Gem for Horror Fans

Mashhad Screaming Forest

Are you sure you want to travel to one of the scariest places in Iran? Well, today I will introduce one of the best places to visit in Mashhad, which is called the Screaming Forest of Mashhad. All the information you need about the Screaming Jungle is in this guide. So, join me in the travel guide to the Screaming Forest of Mashhad in OverIran Tourism Magazine.

General introduction of Mashhad Screaming Forest

Screaming Forest

If you think that the sound of screaming in this forest is just a rumor that people made up, you are mistaken! The screaming sound is very real and can be heard clearly at night. This eerie attraction is situated in the south of Mashhad and is filled with tall trees and various plants. Besides the spooky aspect of this forest, you will encounter such beautiful scenery that you’ll forget this is Iran’s scariest forest.

Where is the Screaming Forest of Mashhad?

To reach the Screaming Forest, you must first travel to the village of Sarborj. This village is situated in the south of Mashhad, taking approximately 40 to 50 minutes to cover the 32 km distance from Mashhad to Sarborj village. The forest is positioned in the valley adjacent to the Sarborj River, which is one of the sources of the Torogh Dam.

Location on Google Map

History of Mashhad Screaming Forest

view of screaming forest

Let’s delve deeper into the history of the Screaming Forest. In the village of Sarborj, there exists a river bearing the same name, which was once abundant with water. Over time, this river gradually dried up, to the extent that it only flowed every few years. This pattern persisted until the year 1390 AH, when the river suddenly filled with water and emitted a suspicious and surprising roar. Since 1390 AH until the present day, there hasn’t been a year when the Sarborj river lacked water or became dehydrated.

Upon the river’s resurgence, people began hearing screams emanating from the forest. This event spawned numerous stories and hypotheses, with people speculating that the forest was cursed by elves. There were claims that demons visited the forest at night, letting out these eerie screams, attributing the river’s refilling to the curse and power of these malevolent entities.

The reason for naming this forest?

screaming forest

The Scream Forest comes alive with eerie sounds at night; the echoing screams or haunting whistles, aside from instilling fear in people’s hearts, have led to the christening of this forest as the Screaming Forest. While it’s also known as Sarborj, its most renowned name remains the Screaming Forest.

The name ‘Scream’ alone evokes a chilling atmosphere in the forest. However, it’s not solely the sound of screams that renders this place eerie. During the day, there’s nothing frightening about this forest—no eerie noises, no unsettling feelings, and no daunting shadows as you might encounter at night. The forest’s nightly screams are spine-chilling; the evening brings forth audible whispers and the eerie silhouette of trees and plants that might appear frightening to you.

The weather of the Screaming Forest in Mashhad

Sarborj village is a holiday destination, consistently a few degrees cooler than Mashhad. Spring and summer are the seasons that adorn the Screaming Forest with lush, beautiful scenery; flowers bloom, and the forest’s beauty is magnified. In spring, the weather cools down, providing air so clean and fresh that it gives life – simply breathe in this air.

Autumn and winter are the two cold seasons of the year. Although they bring an unforgettable and unique beauty to the region, the weather becomes very cold, and heavy rain and snow are likely. If you plan to visit the Screaming Forest in Mashhad during these seasons, make sure to take tire chains and drive very cautiously. Don’t forget warm clothes.

I recommend specifying the exact date of your trip in advance and checking the weather forecast for the area. This method will help you choose the best time for your trip according to your circumstances and the weather.

Vegetation and fauna of the Screaming Forest of Mashhad

Vegetation of the Screaming Forest

As the Sarborj River runs through the heart of the Screaming Forest, this woodland is lush and teeming with various plants. Apple, cherry, walnut, and plantain trees stand out as the most prominent vegetation, predominantly lining the riverbanks.

If you’re fortunate, you might encounter the owners of private gardens within the forest. With their permission, you might have the opportunity to enjoy some fruits from their gardens.

If you spot a creature at night with shining eyes, don’t be afraid; you haven’t encountered a ghost, but rather a wolf. Forests consistently serve as habitats for various animals, and the Screaming Forest is no exception. Wolves, foxes, eagles, and hawks are among the animals that reside in this forest. The echoes of howling wolves and the playful sounds of foxes rustling through the leaves and bushes add excitement to walking through this forest.

What are the local legends about the Screaming Forest?

The ghost of a screaming woman

Numerous stories and theories surround this forest, with most centered on the eerie sounds of screaming heard within its bounds. Beyond the fear induced by these sounds, they’ve spawned tales in people’s imaginations, sparking numerous discussions about Mashhad’s Screaming Forest.

Some people believe that all sounds are created by the wind; it implies that the wind moves among the trees and leaves at night, generating a scream-like sound due to the wind’s strength and the shape of the leaves. The challenge to this hypothesis arises with the question: On nights when the wind doesn’t blow, where do these sounds originate? Or if the wind always blows, why were there no sounds before 2010?

locusts in the Screaming Forest

The subsequent theory revolves around the presence of locusts in the Screaming Forest of Mashhad. According to this theory, since the river filled with water in 2013, locusts swarmed Sarborj village because of the water’s presence and have inhabited the forest. At night, these locusts supposedly produce sounds resembling screams. However, a question arises that casts doubt on this theory: if the screams indeed come from the locusts, why haven’t they caused any damage to the fields and trees?

We cannot claim that everyone seeks scientific explanations for events; the same applies to the Screaming Forest. Some individuals assert that this forest is haunted, suggesting that demons awaken at night, wander the forest, and create these eerie sounds. Others subscribe to a different tale.

The following story dates back to the distant past when a woman was allegedly burned alive in this forest. According to this narrative, the screams heard at night belong to this very woman, who supposedly roams the forest seeking her killer and screaming in anguish. Do you lend credence to this story?

Camping in the Screaming Forest

Camping in the Screaming Forest

First, let’s discuss camping, a preferred method for many travelers to unwind and relax. Camping in this Forest is an option, but there are essential tips to consider. To begin, as mentioned earlier, this forest houses wild animals. It’s advisable to choose a camping spot where encounters with animals are less likely, or if such encounters occur, you’re prepared to defend yourself.

Secondly, an important aspect of camping here is the forest’s nighttime chill. To keep warm, ensure you carry a sleeping bag and warm clothing. Additionally, come fully equipped with all necessary camping gear when staying in the Screaming Forest.

I must emphasize, if you’re visiting the Screaming Forest during winter or autumn, it’s prudent to avoid open-space camping for your own comfort and safety. Consider this: when the night air is already colder and the Screaming Forest tends to be chillier than Mashhad, camping may lead to discomfort or even exposure to extreme cold.


Visiting the Screaming Forest of Mashhad will become one of your most thrilling nocturnal outings. If you possess the courage of a lion and relish exhilarating adventures, don’t overlook a visit to the Screaming Forest. Alongside this thrilling excursion, you can explore the sights of Mashhad and craft a splendid vacation for yourself. Take care, keep smiling, and unwind. I would be delighted to read about your trip’s memories to this exhilarating attraction in the form of a comment under this post.

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